The very first woolly Didy of this autumn! A great way to start the International Babywearing Week 2011. There have been lots of releases with the exact same shade of brown lately:
* Tina cinnamon-turquoise
* Dragon Antara
* Indio Monti
* Nino Heaven & Earth
* Ellipsen Nougat silk
* Indio cinnamon w/wool
* Labyrinth cinnamon/lavender
I expected this wrap to be very thin, but I think it's very fluffy or something, because size 7 makes the lid of the box go up. The box won't close fully. The weight of a size 6 is 689 grams, so that's not extremely thin. I think the wool must give this wrap its fluffiness. This wrap supposedly is only 5 grams per square meter heavier than Natural Wool Indio, but from what I recall, NWI was way thinner.
And now: pics!
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